Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun with families!

I have been really enjoying all the family photo shoots this fall. We've tried some new locations, and sometimes the most inspired posing ideas come from the kids (like the one of the four kids looking through the openings on the bridge). I might have to hire one of them as my assistant!

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

Still more Christmas cards...

Here are the latest designs; the first 3 are designed for 5"x7" prints, instead of the 4"x6" like the others.

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

Friday, November 14, 2008

Urban Shots

I've started to really enjoy using more "urban" settings for some of my photo shoots. Downtown areas offer a nice variety of backdrops and add a different tone to photos of individuals and families. Here are a few examples.

From Christmas Portraits '07

From Portraits 2007

From Portraits 2007

From Portraits 2007

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Christmas card templates!

Here are some templates I've created for holiday photo greeting cards. E-mail me with questions about pricing, etc.

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

From Christmas Cards

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some of my favorite things...

It is such a joy to watch children playing, and capturing the wonder of discovery and fun on their faces is part of every photographer's greatest dream. While I enjoy posed photographs of children, I try to take lots of pictures of them just playing and being themselves. That way we can catch more of their widely varied expressions. Here are some photos of children, both playing and posed.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Senior Portraits!

It's not too early for next year's seniors to start thinking about what they want for their senior portraits. If you're anything like me, these photos will be the ones you look back on for years to come with fond memories of high school and the excitement of graduation. Outdoor photo shoots offer a wonderful variety of themes and backgrounds, which you can complement with the clothes you choose. Here are some examples of the different looks that can be achieved in different locations.