Friday, January 14, 2011

"Fix-It Friday #82" from I Heart Faces

I Heart Faces is one of my new favorite websites. They post tutorials and resources for photographers and have a huge online community of photographers of all backgrounds. This is my first time participating in their "Fix-It Friday" challenges. The photo was a gorgeous one to start out with. Here's the original:

I started with an action of my own creation that enhances the yellows and blues in a photo and gives it that kind of "dreamy" look. Then I added a texture layer (again, one that I created), set the layer mode to Overlay with 50% opacity, and created a layer mask so I could erase the texture over the subject's head and hair. Here are the results:

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Precious Newborns

I can never decide what age group is my favorite to photograph, but now there's a new category in the runnings -- newborns! Here are a few from my recent newborn shoots; I obviously have a hard time picking which ones I like best.

My First Maternity Shoot!

I had the opportunity to do my first maternity photo shoot a couple months ago. It was so fun to help capture this exciting time for a family.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun with families!

I have been really enjoying all the family photo shoots this fall. We've tried some new locations, and sometimes the most inspired posing ideas come from the kids (like the one of the four kids looking through the openings on the bridge). I might have to hire one of them as my assistant!

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008

From Portraits 2008